Thursday, February 9, 2017

Today in Oklahoma

The Braille Keyboard I now have to use is giving me fits. The "L" and "F" don't always pickup. It's driving me nuts.

Jeff Sessions has too much history to be labeled as either Racist or Radical. He'll be alright as Atty Gen. However, his positions tend to be Conservative/Reactionary. That means he sees no change as good change. That is an attitude that can raise havoc. As we age we tend to remember our youth as Good and the best of times. I think we really need to look at that more closely. I grew up in the 60's. I remember being very angry at Vietnam Protestors. How dare they degrade our fight against Communism. Now many of those Americans have grow into Liberal Socialistic Americans who think our Government owes them more than their fare due. Just as bad are those who found Radical Religion and tend to the Far-Right of the Republican Party. They really don't have a clue either. The Right/Left Split Could cause another Civil War if we don't get a handle on it. Talk to the Local Political Leaders from both major parties. Get INVOLVED. Don't just sit around and let it happen!

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