Saturday, February 18, 2017

Oklahoma Atty. General - Now New EPA Chief - Trump

It's all been reported. Scott Pruitt is now the EPA Chief. What they don't tell you is that he is likely the most Stand Up man I've ever met. I doubt he remembers meeting me. This was a chance meeting. He was parking his car in downtown OKC and I was going to get my car, from the parking garage. I'm retired Army and had my "Gulf War Veteran" hat on. He took the time to walk a few steps and thank me for my service. Yep, the state Atty. General. I said thanks and we both went about our business. It's that kind of attention to detail that's necessary for the Chief of the EPA. It doesn't matter what his politics are. What matters is having the heart to remember a Vet, even when many would not.

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