Monday, March 20, 2017

FBI Director James Comey House Intelligence Committee Investigations

“There’s a whole lot out there that is false, and I suppose some of it could be people lying to reporters, I think that probably happens, but I think more often than not it’s people who act like they know when they don’t know. …" James Comey to The House Intelligence Committee

Fake or False News has become a big issue. I talked with the several local News Reporters and found them outraged. The takeaway from that short talk in Shawnee, OK was simple. When people lie to the press, they do so to stir up bad feeling among portions of the public against a person or cause. It's hard to know what's real and what isn't unless you do the research. Then you can't just call the person a liar. The Defamation Laws prohibit it.  I also learned that they are being very careful what they report.  Bottom Line: At least the Reporters, in my neck of the woods, are making the attempt to verify before the report. That's better than it could be and not as good as I'd like to see.
Comey Live/Taped depending when it viewed feed NPR/PBS

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