Sunday, November 6, 2011

Costly PPO's in America

The average Wal-Mart employee makes about $8.00 per hour.  The Standard health PPO plan for a Wal-Mart employee runs about $80.00 every two weeks.  The cost will double in 2012.  The new rates are already posted.  That means that about 40% of the average employee's take home every two weeks will go to health care.  That means that without some reform (i.e. The Canadian Model, The UK Model, or Something Else) the employee's home, car, and food budgets are well below poverty level.  I used Wal-Mart as an example because their easy to get data on.  This kind of "Poverty" is rampant in "Right to Work" States across the United States.  Texas is creating more jobs but the average wage in Texas for non-salaried employees has fallen to under $8.00 per hour.  Something is wrong with this picture.


  1. That's a fact Jack! The have's have it and everyone else can't get a leg up!

  2. Tell me about it...I had to cancel my health insurance because WalMart doubled in cost for 2012.
