Wednesday, June 21, 2017

An Open Letter from Senator Brian Schatz

Last night, I stood on the floor of the Senate with my colleagues to speak out against a bill that is a disaster for the health care of millions of Americans. We took a stand together, and we took it well into the night, because this is too important.

We stood for Medicaid patients. For families with people in nursing homes. For people who struggle with opioid addictions. For women who rely on Planned Parenthood.

For the American people, who have been left in the dark since the very beginning.
Here's the order of people who get to see the health care bill: 13 dudes in secret. Then, some lobbyists. Then, the Congressional Budget Office. Then, maybe, you and me.

There are no markups. No hearings. No public discussions. There's just that back room, and the 13 people in it -- hiding their bill because they know exactly what's in it.

There's only one way to make good legislation: to let the light shine in.

That means hearings -- something every legislative body in America, from the school board to the county council, has regularly. Yet Senate leaders can't find the time to have a single one on a bill that impacts one-sixth of our country's economy.

Health care is complicated. We need expert testimony. We need input. We need time to talk to the people we represent. That's how you get a good product.

What we've been given instead is shameful. When they're done, this bill will be fruit from the poisonous tree. It can't be good -- because the process that produced it is so flawed.

I won't stand for anything that's forced on the American people. I hope you won't, either. Sign on with OFA to say so:

Thank you,

Senator Brian Schatz

Friday, May 12, 2017

An Open Letter from Congressman John Lewis

John Lewis, Congressman
5th District, Georgia, USA

54 years sounds like a long time ago -- but in the context of our movement, it's only a blink.

It's only been 54 years since I marched with my brothers and sisters from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama.

It's only been 54 years since we were jailed, beaten, and killed for trying to cast a vote. For trying to participate in democracy, in the United States of America.

This isn't ancient history. It's the experience of my life.

Just a few decades ago, we changed the course of history and helped pave the way for the Voting Rights Act -- but yesterday, this administration put that legacy under attack.

They signed an executive order to start a commission investigating almost non-existent "voter fraud." It's nothing more than a cover for them to threaten our progress -- with registration barriers, elimination of early and absentee voting, and rules that obstruct an inclusive democracy.

We cannot let this happen.

President Obama likes to say that the arc of the moral universe doesn't bend on its own -- we have to reach up and pull it towards justice ourselves. On that day 54 years ago, we gave it a mighty pull. We can't let it snap back.

Every one of us, right now, has a responsibility to keep pulling on that arc -- to protect and defend our right to vote. Say you'll join OFA in this fight:

Thank you,

Congressman John Lewis

Monday, March 20, 2017

FBI Director James Comey House Intelligence Committee Investigations

“There’s a whole lot out there that is false, and I suppose some of it could be people lying to reporters, I think that probably happens, but I think more often than not it’s people who act like they know when they don’t know. …" James Comey to The House Intelligence Committee

Fake or False News has become a big issue. I talked with the several local News Reporters and found them outraged. The takeaway from that short talk in Shawnee, OK was simple. When people lie to the press, they do so to stir up bad feeling among portions of the public against a person or cause. It's hard to know what's real and what isn't unless you do the research. Then you can't just call the person a liar. The Defamation Laws prohibit it.  I also learned that they are being very careful what they report.  Bottom Line: At least the Reporters, in my neck of the woods, are making the attempt to verify before the report. That's better than it could be and not as good as I'd like to see.
Comey Live/Taped depending when it viewed feed NPR/PBS

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

It's time for a change. I fear this is a return to the past.

THe time is now for a change. There is One Provider in the County where I live and the cost is over $2,400 a month for my wife and I. They've cornered the market so they believe they can CHARGE what they want. It amounts to EXTORTION! The new plan however will leave too many people out of the loop. Not Cool at all. What ever happened to compromise.
GOP Plan

Sunday, March 5, 2017

From Hopeful to Disgusted with Trump

President Donald Trump just could not leave well enough alone. With the Russian thing still simmering, he accuses former President Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower. Even if it is true, Twitter isn't the place to voice the complaint. THe place to present the evidence would be to Congress's Ethics Committee. Well, it will never be boring with all this garbage floating. To #Trump learn to keep your cards close to the vest, please!

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Trump: One Can Hope

On the eve, before President Trump's State of The Union Speech, there is room for hope. I've never been a Trump supporter. My personal views don't really matter. What do we, Americans, expect? We expect Respect for the Person who is the President, regardless of Party or Ideology. The radicals on both sides of the aisle don't give that respect and should be replaced in the next election. No obstructionism. The pas 8 years the U.S. Congress blocked, ignored, and boycotted the Legislation of our previous President and hamstrung our country. Those who will not work together should be replaced, in the next election. What does all of that mean. It means that the Population of the United States has to embrace the Advanced Citizenship required by our Constitution and Vote at every opportunity!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Oklahoma Atty. General - Now New EPA Chief - Trump

It's all been reported. Scott Pruitt is now the EPA Chief. What they don't tell you is that he is likely the most Stand Up man I've ever met. I doubt he remembers meeting me. This was a chance meeting. He was parking his car in downtown OKC and I was going to get my car, from the parking garage. I'm retired Army and had my "Gulf War Veteran" hat on. He took the time to walk a few steps and thank me for my service. Yep, the state Atty. General. I said thanks and we both went about our business. It's that kind of attention to detail that's necessary for the Chief of the EPA. It doesn't matter what his politics are. What matters is having the heart to remember a Vet, even when many would not.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

I should write a book.

Writing a book would be wonderful. I doubt I'd ever get it sold. My masters thesis was ok, but the College didn't want to publish. The University of the South operates a Divinity School and graduates individuals who want to be ministers. I'm a Messianic Jew, I've no interest in ministering to a Christian Congregation. Not because we don't believe all the same things, but that my thesis was on the inaccuracy in translation done in the King James Bible.  Well, the Harvard Press picked it up and now it sits on the shelf and draws dust with a thousand others. That's where it sits.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Today in Oklahoma

The Braille Keyboard I now have to use is giving me fits. The "L" and "F" don't always pickup. It's driving me nuts.

Jeff Sessions has too much history to be labeled as either Racist or Radical. He'll be alright as Atty Gen. However, his positions tend to be Conservative/Reactionary. That means he sees no change as good change. That is an attitude that can raise havoc. As we age we tend to remember our youth as Good and the best of times. I think we really need to look at that more closely. I grew up in the 60's. I remember being very angry at Vietnam Protestors. How dare they degrade our fight against Communism. Now many of those Americans have grow into Liberal Socialistic Americans who think our Government owes them more than their fare due. Just as bad are those who found Radical Religion and tend to the Far-Right of the Republican Party. They really don't have a clue either. The Right/Left Split Could cause another Civil War if we don't get a handle on it. Talk to the Local Political Leaders from both major parties. Get INVOLVED. Don't just sit around and let it happen!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Changing times.

Just been reading about the British Exit from the EU. The EU makes Europe less vulnerable to the kind of in-fighting that helped feed two world wars. It remains to be seen what kind of world we will live in tomorrow. I for on think the loss of free travel and having to negotiate new trade agreements would be daunting. Well, I guess not to the Brit's. It would be nice to see what the Monarchy thinks. They're being tight lipped as normal. Link: Brixit

He'll be lucky if they don't shoot him too!

It's sad but I remember where I was and what I was doing when JFK, RFK, and MLK were killed. I was at work when Reagan was shot. Now there is another Kennedy seeking office. I wish him well...
A Run for Govoner!

Can it be Done/Should it be done...

Generally I don't like the Government in my business. Medicaid is an area where I can make an exception. Something has got to be done to keep prices down. I don't have the answer, maybe they do... Leveraging Influence for lower Costs...

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Another Day of Life

People seem to take life for granted. They want to belly ache about everything under the blasted sun. Why? They can.  Holding emotions inside makes little hurts and issues grow until they become overwhelming. That's when people lash out and hurt others. Generally the ones they love. Why? The ones they love are available.

I'm sitting in my dinning area looking out across a field of full of life. Horses in the distance, play. They don't just walk around munching grass all day. The sky is that shade of blue that lets me know the Cool Front has passed and the wind has gone to the North. All in all, a good day to be alive.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Let's try this Again.

Years ago I started this blog. I'm a stroke and 2 knee replacements away from that time. Obama was running against Romney when I last posted. There has been a great deal of change since then. I sense a different dynamic this time. Trump is now president. I think we've made a mistake. We'll see. He's at least attempting to fulfill his Campaign Promises. No matter what the cost. That cost may well be the death of our Middle Eastern tenuous trust!  We've been years attempting to earn that trust. Jordan and Israel understand our system well enough that I don't think we will loose them but the rest may well be lost. Lost over an EO about immigration. As I wrote, we will see!